Friday, August 22, 2008

Voting and You

I have to get to the point but it will not be sweet. Yesterday I was listening to the Steve Harvey morning show (huge fan) and I heard they Georgia has 3 million eligible black people unregistered to vote! Today I heard that there are 8 million black unregistered US total! Now Steve Harvey has never given me any bad information so I hope this to be true. How can this be? People died horrible deaths and fought an unimaginable fight for so long only to have their suffrage and dreams go to waste! This is ridiculous! So why are my people not voting? Now I know a lot of people don't want to hear me say this but white people have nothing to do with lazy behind people not getting up off their excuses and voting. This is your chance to do something about it. Then you have the others that will say "Well my one vote ain't gona matter."Guess what? Obviously there are a whole lot of you thinking that way which has resulted in an insanely ignorant number of people not voting. That is exactly what it is ignorance! You see where it got us four years ago when we strived to push voting to the top of every one's to-do list. Because of ignorant people we got nowhere but where we are today, economic hell. For those of you who feel you are being insulted, feel it. This is my blog. For those of you who feel ashamed, feel it. You should be. And for those of you who have not been voting and feel the message I am trying to get across this is for you.
Ignorance- lack of knowledge or learning. It doesn't say that you can't learn or that you don't know anything. You just don't know enough. Educate yourselves.
Educate-to develop facilities and powers by instruction or schooling; to develop or train; to impart knowledge. (There, now you can't say nobody ever taught you anything) and I don't care what color you are you have to know what's going on in the world because it directly affects Y-O-U! Some of you want to know why it affects you. Because you have to live in this world, unless there is some vacationing resort in outer space you can go to when things get too bad here on earth! Yeah right! I want some of that real estate. Vote for whoever you want to just vote! Because when it's all said and done if you don't vote and you don't like the outcome you have the absolute right to continue to sit on your mountain of excuses and shut up!!!

VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008
VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE2008

People please do not waste your vote trying to write candidates in who did not win the primary election. Why do you think they have that election in the first place primary election. For those of you who do not know you have
Obama and McCain to choose from.

!!! Barack Obama !!!

Click here for information on registering to vote



All other states contact your local DMV.

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