Today I want to talk about relationships. Now by no means do I proclaim to be any kind of relationship specialist. I am just a regular girl trying to understand the dynamics of relationships. I mean one minute you feel so good and great about your relationship then the next you're not so confident. What causes this? Yeah Yeah I know unfaithfulness is at the top of everybody's list right. I suppose that is right. You can't be secure in your feelings that your significant other is only sharing their cake with you if unfaithfulness rears it's ugly head. And it will. As much as I am a hopeless romantic and desire Cinderella love, it just ain't happening like that. Ever!!! Well I guess I can't say ever because I don't know what every couple has going on in the world but I'm sure I'm pretty close. I do think we need love (and I use that word very loosely) in our lives. We also need pain so that we can recognize and appreciate love when we get it. When boy meets girl it is such a wonderful thing. They meet.
"Hi my name is Tom. No relation to the myspace guru", he said as he looked deep into her eyes. "I'm Samantha," she said with as little emotion as possible. She didn't want him to know that she was felling him like that right off the bat, but she was. "So You live around here?" Classic question. "Yes, I live...." she answers. And for the next ten minutes Samantha engages in small talk that leads to her giving up those digits only to start an agonizing one to three days of anticipation. Well Tom calls two and a half days later and so it begins.
Everything is so perfect in the beginning of relationships aren't they? The guy acts right the girl acts right and "We are so happy." Then you get to know each other, some months have passed by and we are still making our friends sick with kissing, touching, talking, and going out. Then what I like to call the 365 stint is here. You have made it a whole year. It's usually around this time that everybody grows comfortable. A little too comfortable. Attention is still being paid equally but there is something missing you just can't quiet put your finger on it. Since there have been no major problems you keep on rolling because why mess with something that doesn't seem to be broken. It's only when the 730 day train comes in (give or take a few days) that you have an epiphany. "Hey, he didn't do this and she didn't do that. He don't take me no where! Man she don't even cook when I get home from work! You haven't called me all day." Here it is people. "ARE YOU CHEATING?" they both asked in unison. Right at that exact moment all trust is gone and a marathon of indiscretions he or she might be doing runs through your mind all day everyday. He can't be a minute late from work; she can't go to the grocery store; and neither of you can or can not answer that damn cell phone! (Worst invention yet for couples huh?)
You know I was watching Obama the other day at a campaign event in Virginia I believe it was. And don't quote me on anything but he was answering questions from the audience. A man asked him about how to overcome looking for a job and not being criticized and ridiculed because he has once served time in prison. Well Obama intelligently explained to him that while two men may be dressed in nice suits, one of them bears a record and chances are he will not be the chosen one. He went on to say that the problem doesn't lie within the employer not choosing him because he did have the right to pick whomever he wanted. He said if you don't go to jail in the first place there would be no problem getting a job, or at least not in that aspect.
Now I know you thinking what does that have to do with what you're talking about? I'll tell you. Don't let the newness and love and flirtiness leave you relationship in the first place. If you cooked for your man then continue to cook for him no matter what. "Say what girl?" You read it! If you took your girl out and gave her affection (the kind you know us girls need) then keep doing it! Let your man know you recognize he had a long day at work, kiss him, support him, and also give him his man time with the boys. Don't worry you get to sleep with him at night so he'll be back home. Men tell your women you love them. We're not trying to hear "You already know I love you why I got to say it?" Because you do! It makes us feel better! Just do it! You can be hard around your boys but show a little tenderness with your woman. We won't tell and whether they know it or not they tend to do it anyway. What I'm getting at is whatever you did to get your man or your woman. Always do it. Always try to get that digits from her. So that when day 365 and day 730 roll around it will feel just like day 1. Remember how great you felt when you talked to them on the phone or how excited you were to see them. It felt so authentic, so innocent, so safe, so big, so real, and most importantly it felt soooo right! I'm getting goose bumps just thinking about my day 1. Promote love people. You will feel a whole lot better about everything!
"Hey Samantha."
"Yes Tom."
"I love you."
And if it doesn't work out at least you can say you did everything you were supposed to.
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