Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Co-workers we all hate!!!

Doesn't everyone have that one co-worker you can't stand? Isn't it usually your supervisor? Well I can't stand my super-idiot! It's like living at the zoo. Now I know how animals feel. All day you're just trying to mind your own business and as soon as you turn your head or look up some big eyed, raspy talking, bad hair EVERYDAY having, no life AT ALL having, "I'm your super-idiot nah nah nah" ass is staring you right in the face. What are you looking at man! You like watching me scratch myself? Then they walk by you twenty four times a day making small talk just to see what you're doing. Well what are you doing? Besides making my rear itch. Have you ever gone to the rest room and five seconds later the super-idiot comes in. What about when you look up to make sure they are still at their desk then you look down at your cell phone for a millisecond, the next thing you know they're standing right there. AHH!!! It's the creature from I can't go home because my husband doesn't like me! Hey have you ever realized it's finally time for break and right when you are about to get up you hear a drunk cat whining in the background "break time everybody." Here are some things you can do to get you through your 8 hours of hell just for kicks.
* Make them repeat what they say every time they say something to you. "I'm sorry what?"

* Every hour take a rest room break for about ten minutes. They can't not let you use the toilet, right? This will make them mad they'll get tired of seeing you up. "But I thought you like gawking at me Hawk!"

* Does you job like cross training? How about you become the untrainable employee. "Show me one more time. Duh!" (P.S. They don't know how to do it either. Ha!)

* And for you hard working fast paced stallions, slow down a little. That means they might actually have to lift a pen.

* Last thing for now that my super-idiot-visor really hates. If you need to make any arrangements for any reason: off work, leaving early, changing shifts, N E Thing people! Get permission from another supervisor or your manager and don't tell them. You know how they like to know everything. "Uh sorry Stupervisor didn't get the memo! Yeah too bad."

Remember these are mere suggestions to past time. It's not to get you into any trouble only to aggravate them like they torment us everyday when they show up for work. Now Live Free and Go to Work!

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