Friday, August 22, 2008
Cash Advance - Bad Idea!!!
Okay here we go again. Topic of the day cash advances, payday loans, easy money, or what ever you want to call it you get the drift. Why people? That is my first question. Actually my only question. Do you know that you are committing financial suicide? I'm going to get right to it these quick cash facilities are ripping you a new one faster than credit card companies. They are getting filthy rich off of your money. Do you realize that you are giving your money away? Yeah I know all about it you're broke, you need money for this or for that. "My car note is due I don't want to be late, my rent is due, I don't have anything to eat, I can't pay daycare this week!" I hear you making excuses but not justifiable ones. If your car note is late then call them. Have you ever thought of that? Tell them your situation, usually they will be willing to defer two payments a year. Rent is due, talk to your renter and pay the late fee. You have ten days to make the rent payment after the due date anyway (in most places) so by then you will have gotten paid again. You're hungry!? Go to the dollar store they sell cold food now! And guess what ladies, your sorry baby daddies may actually have to do something as it relates to their child. And if that isn't the case and you both just have to work you are going to have to ask momma or grandma on either side to do you a favor. But if you both work there should be no reason why little Timmy's daycare bill isn't paid! Things happen in life I know but you have to try to pull yourself out of the hole not jump deeper in it. Cash advance places are vultures. They reel you in with lines like these:
You can get that down payment on your car!
Buy a computer!
Pay bills off!
Do whatever you want with the money just come get it! (joking that was me)
That is what they are saying and thinking. Then they make it so easy for you to get these loans. At first the standard norm was 18 years of age, valid driver's license, checking account, and current pay check stub I think. You can borrow from $50 to $1500 depending on income. That was then . Now you have it so easy they barely ask for that. Every day I past by at least ten "Donation Centers" on my way home from work. I call it that because you people are just giving your money away. I can't call it something like "Stick up Loans" because they aren't taking your money by force. You are giving it to them! I mean people please. I say this in all seriousness and I quote, "If you just want to give you're money away give it to me! Contact me! My email is in my profile. I will take you're money and I won't charge you to do it!" Are you all that gullible and naive? It's like a stranger walks up you and asks, "Hey can I hold you wallet?" And you say, "Sure here you go." Then the stranger runs off like a child would run off if he saw Barney humping one of the Teletubbies. Just wrong! (hey I don't keep up with the latest kid shows, sorry) Or maybe he ran off like he was on a blind date with a 250 pound woman who likes to cuddle and only eats salads with donuts glaze as the dressing because she's on a diet. The catch is she eats a bath tub of salads a day and has been on the diet for the last 3 years! Get outta here fat woman! Or could it be that he ran off like he just stole your money! Come on give me a break! Make this topic a hard one to write about why don't cha! All I see are advertisements that say no credit check, no account needed, no job. "You don't need any clothes to get this money. Come in here naked we'll give it to you! It's okay that you can't read or write just make a dot rrrrright here." You still don't understand well let me tell you a story about George. Wait! Okay it's cool I don't know anybody named George. Okay. George got behind on a bill, just pick a bill doesn't matter. As he was driving home he noticed a Donation Center and thought to himself "I can just borrow the money and pay it back the next time I get paid because I really have to pay this bill on time or else a sniper will be waiting for me on the roof of my building and kill me. (Sound crazy? Hey I'm just the narrator these are George's thoughts) Anyway he goes into the store and makes his mark for $300. They tell him to make a check out for $350 for the fee and they will pull it out any day he wants in two weeks. He chooses his pay date. So he gets the money, pays the bill and everybody is Tony the Tiger Grreat! Two weeks come back around so quickly and something is wrong with George's car (you know life happens like that). So he has to get that fixed to get to work. He goes back to the center and a very bright employee says, "No problem. Here's a secret you can do if you need a little extra time, and I shouldn't be telling you this." Thus introducing George to rewriting. Oh don't be bashful you know what that is. He let them take the $350 out of his account then signed off for the same exact loan and they and him the cash again. Well next two weeks roll by and George really wants to go to this concert. No money because the cash advance has come out. Oh well I'll just go and rewrite and pay them later. Do you see the pattern here people? George has voluntarily given then $150 already. For you slow people he paid $50 the first time, $50 for rewriting on behalf of the car, and $50 for rewriting on behalf of the concert, and chances are he will continue to pay them $50 for some other stupid reason. Oh by the way, he still owes them $300. Does anybody feel me? Can I get a witness? So many people get caught up in the cycle for years! It is simply crazy. Then all these problems arise like he forgot to get to the store on time and gets an NSF fee from the bank (more money), the stress and strain of this routine is wearing on him, and he really never has any money now. Finally one day the check goes through and he just gives up let them take their money and risk being late on everything else just so he can now start to think about how he's going to climb his way out of this 30 ft deep hole. He's climbing over dinosaur bones, the infamous Big Foot's remains, asking for Tom Cruise's help(lol). And for what you guys? All so he wouldn't be late on his cable bill in the beginning! OMG you have got to be kidding me George!!! Oops,I mean stupid!!! People it is not that serious. My advice to you is to STAY AWAY from the green and orange buildings. No matter how tempting or broke you think you are. It is no where near how broke and devastated you will be after you've paid $2000 so you could borrow $300. You do the math it ain't algebra.
Here is a tip for every one. Budget your finances. If you don't know how ask Dave Ramsey (don't know Dave? Google him or better yet call my boyfriend). Whoa! I'm exhausted. I don't usually speak dumb language so it was hard trying to explain all that. In all seriousness budget, budget, budget. And so what if a bill is late. Pay a $10 dollar fee rather than... Well, you get the picture!
cash advances,
cash now,
easy money,
payday loans
Voting and You
I have to get to the point but it will not be sweet. Yesterday I was listening to the Steve Harvey morning show (huge fan) and I heard they Georgia has 3 million eligible black people unregistered to vote! Today I heard that there are 8 million black unregistered US total! Now Steve Harvey has never given me any bad information so I hope this to be true. How can this be? People died horrible deaths and fought an unimaginable fight for so long only to have their suffrage and dreams go to waste! This is ridiculous! So why are my people not voting? Now I know a lot of people don't want to hear me say this but white people have nothing to do with lazy behind people not getting up off their excuses and voting. This is your chance to do something about it. Then you have the others that will say "Well my one vote ain't gona matter."Guess what? Obviously there are a whole lot of you thinking that way which has resulted in an insanely ignorant number of people not voting. That is exactly what it is ignorance! You see where it got us four years ago when we strived to push voting to the top of every one's to-do list. Because of ignorant people we got nowhere but where we are today, economic hell. For those of you who feel you are being insulted, feel it. This is my blog. For those of you who feel ashamed, feel it. You should be. And for those of you who have not been voting and feel the message I am trying to get across this is for you.
Ignorance- lack of knowledge or learning. It doesn't say that you can't learn or that you don't know anything. You just don't know enough. Educate yourselves.
Educate-to develop facilities and powers by instruction or schooling; to develop or train; to impart knowledge. (There, now you can't say nobody ever taught you anything) and I don't care what color you are you have to know what's going on in the world because it directly affects Y-O-U! Some of you want to know why it affects you. Because you have to live in this world, unless there is some vacationing resort in outer space you can go to when things get too bad here on earth! Yeah right! I want some of that real estate. Vote for whoever you want to just vote! Because when it's all said and done if you don't vote and you don't like the outcome you have the absolute right to continue to sit on your mountain of excuses and shut up!!!
VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008
VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE 2008 VOTE2008
People please do not waste your vote trying to write candidates in who did not win the primary election. Why do you think they have that election in the first place primary election. For those of you who do not know you have
Obama and McCain to choose from.
!!! Barack Obama !!!
Click here for information on registering to vote
All other states contact your local DMV.
People please do not waste your vote trying to write candidates in who did not win the primary election. Why do you think they have that election in the first place primary election. For those of you who do not know you have
Obama and McCain to choose from.
!!! Barack Obama !!!
Click here for information on registering to vote
All other states contact your local DMV.
Barack Obama,
presidential election,
registering to vote,
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Relationships Worth It or Not?
Today I want to talk about relationships. Now by no means do I proclaim to be any kind of relationship specialist. I am just a regular girl trying to understand the dynamics of relationships. I mean one minute you feel so good and great about your relationship then the next you're not so confident. What causes this? Yeah Yeah I know unfaithfulness is at the top of everybody's list right. I suppose that is right. You can't be secure in your feelings that your significant other is only sharing their cake with you if unfaithfulness rears it's ugly head. And it will. As much as I am a hopeless romantic and desire Cinderella love, it just ain't happening like that. Ever!!! Well I guess I can't say ever because I don't know what every couple has going on in the world but I'm sure I'm pretty close. I do think we need love (and I use that word very loosely) in our lives. We also need pain so that we can recognize and appreciate love when we get it. When boy meets girl it is such a wonderful thing. They meet.
"Hi my name is Tom. No relation to the myspace guru", he said as he looked deep into her eyes. "I'm Samantha," she said with as little emotion as possible. She didn't want him to know that she was felling him like that right off the bat, but she was. "So You live around here?" Classic question. "Yes, I live...." she answers. And for the next ten minutes Samantha engages in small talk that leads to her giving up those digits only to start an agonizing one to three days of anticipation. Well Tom calls two and a half days later and so it begins.
Everything is so perfect in the beginning of relationships aren't they? The guy acts right the girl acts right and "We are so happy." Then you get to know each other, some months have passed by and we are still making our friends sick with kissing, touching, talking, and going out. Then what I like to call the 365 stint is here. You have made it a whole year. It's usually around this time that everybody grows comfortable. A little too comfortable. Attention is still being paid equally but there is something missing you just can't quiet put your finger on it. Since there have been no major problems you keep on rolling because why mess with something that doesn't seem to be broken. It's only when the 730 day train comes in (give or take a few days) that you have an epiphany. "Hey, he didn't do this and she didn't do that. He don't take me no where! Man she don't even cook when I get home from work! You haven't called me all day." Here it is people. "ARE YOU CHEATING?" they both asked in unison. Right at that exact moment all trust is gone and a marathon of indiscretions he or she might be doing runs through your mind all day everyday. He can't be a minute late from work; she can't go to the grocery store; and neither of you can or can not answer that damn cell phone! (Worst invention yet for couples huh?)
You know I was watching Obama the other day at a campaign event in Virginia I believe it was. And don't quote me on anything but he was answering questions from the audience. A man asked him about how to overcome looking for a job and not being criticized and ridiculed because he has once served time in prison. Well Obama intelligently explained to him that while two men may be dressed in nice suits, one of them bears a record and chances are he will not be the chosen one. He went on to say that the problem doesn't lie within the employer not choosing him because he did have the right to pick whomever he wanted. He said if you don't go to jail in the first place there would be no problem getting a job, or at least not in that aspect.
Now I know you thinking what does that have to do with what you're talking about? I'll tell you. Don't let the newness and love and flirtiness leave you relationship in the first place. If you cooked for your man then continue to cook for him no matter what. "Say what girl?" You read it! If you took your girl out and gave her affection (the kind you know us girls need) then keep doing it! Let your man know you recognize he had a long day at work, kiss him, support him, and also give him his man time with the boys. Don't worry you get to sleep with him at night so he'll be back home. Men tell your women you love them. We're not trying to hear "You already know I love you why I got to say it?" Because you do! It makes us feel better! Just do it! You can be hard around your boys but show a little tenderness with your woman. We won't tell and whether they know it or not they tend to do it anyway. What I'm getting at is whatever you did to get your man or your woman. Always do it. Always try to get that digits from her. So that when day 365 and day 730 roll around it will feel just like day 1. Remember how great you felt when you talked to them on the phone or how excited you were to see them. It felt so authentic, so innocent, so safe, so big, so real, and most importantly it felt soooo right! I'm getting goose bumps just thinking about my day 1. Promote love people. You will feel a whole lot better about everything!
"Hey Samantha."
"Yes Tom."
"I love you."
And if it doesn't work out at least you can say you did everything you were supposed to.
"Hi my name is Tom. No relation to the myspace guru", he said as he looked deep into her eyes. "I'm Samantha," she said with as little emotion as possible. She didn't want him to know that she was felling him like that right off the bat, but she was. "So You live around here?" Classic question. "Yes, I live...." she answers. And for the next ten minutes Samantha engages in small talk that leads to her giving up those digits only to start an agonizing one to three days of anticipation. Well Tom calls two and a half days later and so it begins.
Everything is so perfect in the beginning of relationships aren't they? The guy acts right the girl acts right and "We are so happy." Then you get to know each other, some months have passed by and we are still making our friends sick with kissing, touching, talking, and going out. Then what I like to call the 365 stint is here. You have made it a whole year. It's usually around this time that everybody grows comfortable. A little too comfortable. Attention is still being paid equally but there is something missing you just can't quiet put your finger on it. Since there have been no major problems you keep on rolling because why mess with something that doesn't seem to be broken. It's only when the 730 day train comes in (give or take a few days) that you have an epiphany. "Hey, he didn't do this and she didn't do that. He don't take me no where! Man she don't even cook when I get home from work! You haven't called me all day." Here it is people. "ARE YOU CHEATING?" they both asked in unison. Right at that exact moment all trust is gone and a marathon of indiscretions he or she might be doing runs through your mind all day everyday. He can't be a minute late from work; she can't go to the grocery store; and neither of you can or can not answer that damn cell phone! (Worst invention yet for couples huh?)
You know I was watching Obama the other day at a campaign event in Virginia I believe it was. And don't quote me on anything but he was answering questions from the audience. A man asked him about how to overcome looking for a job and not being criticized and ridiculed because he has once served time in prison. Well Obama intelligently explained to him that while two men may be dressed in nice suits, one of them bears a record and chances are he will not be the chosen one. He went on to say that the problem doesn't lie within the employer not choosing him because he did have the right to pick whomever he wanted. He said if you don't go to jail in the first place there would be no problem getting a job, or at least not in that aspect.
Now I know you thinking what does that have to do with what you're talking about? I'll tell you. Don't let the newness and love and flirtiness leave you relationship in the first place. If you cooked for your man then continue to cook for him no matter what. "Say what girl?" You read it! If you took your girl out and gave her affection (the kind you know us girls need) then keep doing it! Let your man know you recognize he had a long day at work, kiss him, support him, and also give him his man time with the boys. Don't worry you get to sleep with him at night so he'll be back home. Men tell your women you love them. We're not trying to hear "You already know I love you why I got to say it?" Because you do! It makes us feel better! Just do it! You can be hard around your boys but show a little tenderness with your woman. We won't tell and whether they know it or not they tend to do it anyway. What I'm getting at is whatever you did to get your man or your woman. Always do it. Always try to get that digits from her. So that when day 365 and day 730 roll around it will feel just like day 1. Remember how great you felt when you talked to them on the phone or how excited you were to see them. It felt so authentic, so innocent, so safe, so big, so real, and most importantly it felt soooo right! I'm getting goose bumps just thinking about my day 1. Promote love people. You will feel a whole lot better about everything!
"Hey Samantha."
"Yes Tom."
"I love you."
And if it doesn't work out at least you can say you did everything you were supposed to.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Co-workers we all hate!!!
Doesn't everyone have that one co-worker you can't stand? Isn't it usually your supervisor? Well I can't stand my super-idiot! It's like living at the zoo. Now I know how animals feel. All day you're just trying to mind your own business and as soon as you turn your head or look up some big eyed, raspy talking, bad hair EVERYDAY having, no life AT ALL having, "I'm your super-idiot nah nah nah" ass is staring you right in the face. What are you looking at man! You like watching me scratch myself? Then they walk by you twenty four times a day making small talk just to see what you're doing. Well what are you doing? Besides making my rear itch. Have you ever gone to the rest room and five seconds later the super-idiot comes in. What about when you look up to make sure they are still at their desk then you look down at your cell phone for a millisecond, the next thing you know they're standing right there. AHH!!! It's the creature from I can't go home because my husband doesn't like me! Hey have you ever realized it's finally time for break and right when you are about to get up you hear a drunk cat whining in the background "break time everybody." Here are some things you can do to get you through your 8 hours of hell just for kicks.
* Make them repeat what they say every time they say something to you. "I'm sorry what?"
* Every hour take a rest room break for about ten minutes. They can't not let you use the toilet, right? This will make them mad they'll get tired of seeing you up. "But I thought you like gawking at me Hawk!"
* Does you job like cross training? How about you become the untrainable employee. "Show me one more time. Duh!" (P.S. They don't know how to do it either. Ha!)
* And for you hard working fast paced stallions, slow down a little. That means they might actually have to lift a pen.
* Last thing for now that my super-idiot-visor really hates. If you need to make any arrangements for any reason: off work, leaving early, changing shifts, N E Thing people! Get permission from another supervisor or your manager and don't tell them. You know how they like to know everything. "Uh sorry Stupervisor didn't get the memo! Yeah too bad."
Remember these are mere suggestions to past time. It's not to get you into any trouble only to aggravate them like they torment us everyday when they show up for work. Now Live Free and Go to Work!
* Make them repeat what they say every time they say something to you. "I'm sorry what?"
* Every hour take a rest room break for about ten minutes. They can't not let you use the toilet, right? This will make them mad they'll get tired of seeing you up. "But I thought you like gawking at me Hawk!"
* Does you job like cross training? How about you become the untrainable employee. "Show me one more time. Duh!" (P.S. They don't know how to do it either. Ha!)
* And for you hard working fast paced stallions, slow down a little. That means they might actually have to lift a pen.
* Last thing for now that my super-idiot-visor really hates. If you need to make any arrangements for any reason: off work, leaving early, changing shifts, N E Thing people! Get permission from another supervisor or your manager and don't tell them. You know how they like to know everything. "Uh sorry Stupervisor didn't get the memo! Yeah too bad."
Remember these are mere suggestions to past time. It's not to get you into any trouble only to aggravate them like they torment us everyday when they show up for work. Now Live Free and Go to Work!
Eric Jerome Dickey's - Pleasure
As a huge Eric Jerome Dickey fan of course I have had the pleasure of reading his latest Pleasure. First off I have to say the he is an amazing author and I have only been disappointed by him once. In this novel Dickey has managed to (again) keep me on the edge wanting to know what will happen next? How deep will it get? How will it end? this sexy, sultry, "I know I'm wrong but it feels so right" novel completely satisfied my curiosity. It can cure any sexual frustration anyone may have. Dickey as well as a couple of more authors I am infatuated with like Zane (dying for her to release another novel) and Mary B. Morrison never seem to fail me on the art of blending drama, sex, and suspense blissfully. However, without spilling the beans on the conclusion of the book I found myself longing for more. He abruptly brings the reader down from a glorious high of lust (wait... did I mention this blog is for adults... okay)
without rhyme or reason. Not to mention the huge and confusing twist that led me to believe Dickey got in over his head. What I mean by twist is not the plot it's the behaviors of the main characters at the end. Overall I rate the book an A-. Keep up the good work Dickey. Looking forward to next year!
without rhyme or reason. Not to mention the huge and confusing twist that led me to believe Dickey got in over his head. What I mean by twist is not the plot it's the behaviors of the main characters at the end. Overall I rate the book an A-. Keep up the good work Dickey. Looking forward to next year!
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